7:43 PM
Ducked out to Best Buy with David Seitzinger this afternoon and picked up my own copy of The Lord of the Rings. Wonderful. Absolutely, positively wonderful. The extended edition is a little slower to get going, as it spends more time in the Shire, but that really reinforces your idea of what these people are fighting to defend. And the documentaries five hours' worth of documentaries are so far really nice. And I bought the four-disc version, not the five-disc one. Heh.
I did not, however, buy Star Wars: Episode II. I couldn't think of any really great scenes in Episode II, save for the lightsaber battle at the end, versus the nonstop series of great moments that make up The Lord of the Rings. Even at three hours and eighteen minutes (the length of the extended edition), Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings goes much faster than Episode II.
Of course, it helps that I consider myself to have far more hobbitish inclinations than Jedi-ish ones. Now, where's my pipe?