Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
Dental progress.

Well, I finally went to go see the oral surgeon. He walked in, took one look at my x-rays, and said, "Yep, it's a no-brainer. All four have gotta come out."

Yeah, I was half expecting that. To be honest, I've been weirdly giddy all afternoon. At the consultation this morning, I received two prescriptions, a price estimate, and an appointment for The Cutting in two weeks. I also received confirmation that I am a low-risk individual for any major complications, my wisdoms are all fully erupted and (as near as I could tell) straight up and down, and I don't have any major deep abcesses or infections causing huge deteriorating holes in my jaw which would necessitate the amputation of my skull.

You laugh, but we creative writing dorks think like this.

Anyway, so while I'm not entirely thrilled to be undergoing major oral surgery in the near future, I should be back on my feet in plenty of time for Fray Day, I have some hard numbers to work into my budget, and I have something I haven't had for way way way too long about this: peace of mind.

Yay dentists!


Don't worry--getting your wisdom teeth out isn't a big deal (REALLY!). Just have someone handy to feed you apple sauce and ice cream....

Oh.... I meant to add: GOOD LUCK! (Just in case you need it :) )

Yeah, this is one of those times I really need a girlfriend. Nuts.

Heck, I am getting mine out the 19th, wanna join me?

Kris, that's a hell of a way to follow your honeymoon!

Nah, just have your mom come visit... :)

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