Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
Guild of Calamitous Intent FTW!

Sweet! Tonight CMS sponsored a Boston installation of Jane McGonigal's Cruel 2 B Kind, an assassination-type game where players shout compliments at each other to "kill" them (check out the site for a full explanation; it's bizarre but a lot of fun) – and my team, The Guild of Calamitous Intent (which is a reference to the best show ever) won! My team was me, Laura and our housemate Jared, who originally suggested our awesome name. I was a little concerned that we'd be accused of nepotism, since our fourth housemate Ivan was the one who was organizing the game, but everything was fine. Wow. I went into the game saying to Laura and Ivan that I wasn't playing to win, I was just playing to play, but dang – it sure feels cool to take home the cookie. Or, in our case, some pirate swag and some press in The London Times, The Harvard Crimson and whatever MIT decides to do with us.

Have a delicious day! You're amazing!


Congratulations on your win! You are 2 kind! I hope you continue being a benevolent badass for years to come. ^-^

It was a lot of fun to watch the game server updates here in Berkeley, California at the wanton acts of cruelty transpired. Go go go, guild of Calimitous Intent!

Thanks! We had a great time, and we've already got people wanting to know when the next game will be!

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