Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
A New Experiment.

Well, let's just say that you draw much better than I ever will. But nonetheless, I'd like to point out that while Neil Gaiman does wear all black, it has nothing to do with being goth/emo/etc. - it's just because that way, he knows everything he puts on will match. On a totally unrelated note, I was thinking about you today out of a kind of bizarre, retroactive sympathy. Strange (yet also totally predictable) how being on the other end of things will do that to you.

– Aurelia

Nicely done! I'm looking forward to this experiment. :)

– SarahScott

Very, very cool. Maybe you can combine your photos, which I love, with your graphicblog experiment, or will that mean too much work? (I just saw a good example of this in Sarnath Banerjee's new graphic novel from India.)

– Parmesh

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