January 20, 2007
2:22 AM
2:22 AM
Closing (tabs) time.
I have to close a ton of tabs in order to reboot a suddenly unstable MacBook Pro. I have not read all of these yet, but they all look interesting, so I thought I would share.
- BioWare embracing episodic content for all future projects - Joystiq.
- Inside Bungie - Edge Online.
- Ban conflict diamonds.
- Conflict Diamonds: Amnesty International's Human Rights Concerns.
- Choose Your Own Adventure on iPod.
- CozmoTV.
- Andy Ihntako: You Could Call iPhone Perfect. Or not -- more on that later.
- Tropism: Tim Pratt's Journal.
- Locus is hiring.
- Why Joost is Good for TV.
- Kate Elliott: Why Writing a Fat Fantasy Series is a) really easy, b) very, very hard, c) fun, and d) not much better than beating your head against the wall until it's bloody – all at the same time.
- Ozymndias: Your Thoughts on the Future of Live? Open-source R&D, niiiice.
- Proceedings of the Athanasius Kircher Society. God bless the bizarre.
- Write or Wrong 19: Likeable Characters - Newsarama.
- Comparing Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network and WiiConnect24 as-is - Joystiq.
- Creatorcon.com. Another comics-creator MySpace clone.
- Trend Blend 2007 Map. Hottt.
- Taking the Novel Approach with Greg Cox - Newsarama.
- Rocket Magazine. More on this later this may be my new favorite magazine.
- Ivy Film Festival. Oy, Shannon!
- Storytellers Unplugged: The Great Secret to Writing a Novel.
- The Old Farmer's Almanac: Monthly Sky Highlights and Moon Phase Calendar.
- IGDA Member Discounts and Promos.
- XBLA File Size Limit Raised to 250MB - Joystiq.
- EA Offering FIFA for Free? - Joystiq.
- Herman Miller planning "Desk of the Future" - Engadget. The Future... The Future... The Future...
- Indigo Macintosh Home Automation.
- Right Hand of Doom: A Study of Hellboy.
- Web Trends 2007 Map. Also hottt.
- Vlad the Impaler's castle up for sale. Anyone got 40M quid I can borrow?
- The Daily Record. Man, my hometown is weird.
- Storytellers Unplugged: I Really Hated Writing Query Letters.
- On Writing Horror - Amazon.com. Rule #1: don't open with 'Boogedy boogedy boogedy.'
- 2007 Game Developers Conference. Hmmmm.
- Where MySpace Meets the Mall.
- Slew of New Nike+ Gear Leaked - Engadget. May 1st for my iPod-controlling watch, woo!
- Switched On: AppleTV Deletes DMA Deficiencies.
- Mystery Sequel to be Annouced Shortly. I'm pulling for Kid Icarus.
- Dark Horse Press Submission Guidelines. How the heck does one get a Hellboy novel approved, anyway?
- Dremhost, Movable Type and FastCGI. FastCGI, which is apparently enabled in the new MT3.34 by default, is supposed to offer a ludicrous increase in performance. (They've gone to plaid!)
- Storytellers Unplugged: The Value of Time Off.
- Microsoft Says Half of 360 Owners Didn't Buy Original Xbox - Kotaku. I sure as hell didn't. The original Xbox was one of the ugliest things I've ever seen and aside from Halo didn't have any killer games for me. XBLA changed that although I'm still waiting for Castle Crashers.
- Del Toro Films The Official Guillermo Del Toro Fansite. How can you be an 'official fansite'? I'm hoping to catch Pan's Labyrinth sometime this weekend.
- Storytellers Unplugged: A Rumination on Genre.
- Podcast Academy. For a little gig.
Woof. I think I now understand why my MacBook is unstable.