February 5, 2007
10:46 AM
10:46 AM
Links list: 02-05-07.
Just a couple to share with you folks today. Cut me some slack, I'm working on the THESIS.
- Kotaku tours Square Enix UK. Wow, except for the Final Fantasy swag, that office complex looks like, um, an office complex. You'd think a company that makes such fantastic stuff would splurge for some better architecture.
- Wii Music. Just what it sounds like this guy managed to get his hands on the audio from the Wii. Better beep tones, anyone?
- Alec on cross-world fantasy. Some good observations here on how the real world often gets the shaft in portal stories. I need to check out Ysabel, apparently.
- Owl messenger bag. Someday I'll have money for random crap like this.
- Nokia concept phone. Apple isn't the only one thinking way outside the box.
- Apple, Apple Corps bury the hatchet. Can the Beatles come to iTunes now, please?
- William Gibson's Spook Country. Oh, hell yes.
- Kevin Smith's top 10 films of 2006. If it's good enough for Silent Bob...
- HBR breakthrough ideas for 2007. 20 Big Ideas, and a good read.
- What hands can do. Kickass VW commercial that shames my own hand puppet performances. I can barely do a bunny.
- Caterina on the user-generated content of Aenne Burda. "Aenne Burda was the founder of the Burda company, and started with Burda Moda, a fashion magazine, which contained in every issue a pattern, to make an article of clothing -- really very much about, and she'd never use this term, user generated content, which used to be called 'creativity'."