Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
Man, I love teaching.

Me and Ilya

Suffice it to say that teaching Barry's Toy Design Workshop went extremely well. I had a couple of technological hiccups when my laptop initially refused to play nice with the projector, but those got themselves sorted out in short order and I proceeded to present the first ~20 minutes of my thesis lecture on transmedia storytelling. I've discovered that the first third of my presentation, before it veers off into Henson territory, serves well as a sort of transmedia primer, so I've gotten tons of mileage out of that in the last couple of weeks. The other guy in the photo up there is my friend Ilya, who lectured on the wild, wonderful world of advertising. Between the two of us, I think we gave a pretty good show – the students seemed to enjoy it, anyway, and there was a ton of laughter and camaraderie by the end of the evening.

Dear sweet heavenly host, I wish CMS had a Ph.D.

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