7:08 PM
I'm still waffling back and forth as to whether or not Part III is a good idea, but I've at least polished it up so it's pretty dang near what I want to say. Most of the THESIS is "pretty dang near what I want to say", actually, with most of it fortified by academic research, close readings, and 19 essential vitamins and minerals. Yes, friends, my THESIS is officially a breakfast cereal.
What's also somewhat disturbing is the fact that despite I've been working on it like crazy, adding bits and deleting bits and moving bits around and so on, somehow the word count is hovering around 28,641, which is down from Thursday's previous high of 28,712. The THESIS giveth, and the THESIS taketh away. or something like that.
Oh, and I still don't have a conclusion or a bibliography. Fark.
Somehow the conclusion has become ridiculously impossible to write, since I've been lobbing in little multi-conclusions all the way through. I suppose I could just reiterate Long's Law and leave it at that, but that seems awfully weak. Ugh. Oh, well I'll think of something.
I hate writing conclusions. The first draft of my conclusions always goes something like: "So, in conclusion, X=Y because Z, which I've just explained in great detail, so, yeah. Like I said. That."