Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives

September 2007 Archives

A snippet.

The day that the whole thing started, Marion Brody was shuffling her way towards the bus stop in her usual helter-skelter fashion, wrapped from head to toe in the clothes of the dead.

The first line to a short story that popped into my head last night...


Links list: 09-19-2007.

I've just finished up an, ahem, ambitious project at work, which means that I've finally had a chance to catch up on the news from the past week, some good, some bad, and some just interesting. On a personal front, I'm thoroughly excited because they've just opened up both a Cosi and a Sebastian's within a block of my office here on the MIT campus. Given the bleak nature of our dining options before, this is a Very Good Thing. (And that's about as close as I'll get to a "Cheese Sandwich" post for the daty, thanks.)


Links List: 09-10-2007.

