Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
New free Counting Crows tunes!

I was feeling kind of down today for some inexplicable reason, but then I found this: a free Digital 45 from Adam Duritz and company. There's two songs, "1492" and "When I Dream of Michelangelo" (which, I believe, is actually a line from "Angels of the Silences" way back on their second album). I'm listening to "1492" now and it's a pretty heavy electric piece. Thanks for the pickup, guys!

Update: This is nuts. "When I Dream of Michelangelo" may be the first song sequel I've ever encountered – the line is indeed lifted straight from their earlier piece, but this is vintage Duritz right here. "1492" was kind of meh, but "When I Dream of Michelangelo" had me clicking to replay instantly. Wow. Just... Wow. It makes me think back to summers in the RV crisscrossing the country with my family and an old college girlfriend, sand in my sandals, a Jim Morrison t-shirt on my chest and cargo shorts flapping against my monkeyboy-white knees.

Man, winter can be over any day now.


Thanks for the link! I LOVE the Counting Crows.


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