May 4, 2008
5:49 PM
5:49 PM
Links list: 05-04-08.
My laptop today is being sluggish and unresponsive, and I blame Safari and its umpty-zillion open tabs. Hence another Links List post. Enjoy.
- The Journal of e-Media Studies. On my must-submit list.
- Goblin Fruit posts Spring 2008 issue. Also on said must-submit list.
- Call for submissions: Interfictions 2. Ditto.
- UFOs and the CARET program. Almost certainly a hoax, but da-yum.
- Random House to post 500+ authors' work online. Smell that future!
- Prince Caspian game gets exclusive movie scenes. Game as Director's Cut?
- Telltale Games on how to make episodic games. Innnnnnn-teresting.
- The Telegraph: The Fantastic Appeal of Fantasy. Amen.