Geoffrey Long
Tip of the Quill: Archives
Greetings from sunny L.A.

This weekend I'm in bright, sunny Los Angeles, staying with my friends Talon and Sara and presenting at the SIGGRAPH Sandbox Conference, where I'll be conducting a transmedia storytelling workshop first thing tomorrow morning. I'm having a great time so far – I slept a ton last night between the six hours on the plane and another four or more this morning at Talon and Sara's while I waited for the clock to catch up, then wrote a short piece on their porch while I waited for them to catch up, and then all three of us went out to breakfast at a little coffeeshop on the pier near their apartment in Redondo Beach. We're about to head down to the convention center so I can get myself all registered and everything, but the majority of the conference is going down tomorrow.

I've never been a big fan of L.A., but it sure is beautiful here, especially compared to the monsoon season that Boston has dared to call a summer this year. I'm starting to see the appeal.

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