August 1, 2008
12:46 PM
12:46 PM
Links list: 08-01-08.
I have so many different tabs open at the moment that I have to shut some down before I go insane. So...
- The Guardian on genre novels nominated for the Booker. Typical kerfuffle.
- The iffy business of comics to film. Wise words.
- David Foster Wallace on John McCain. (Hat tip to Kevin Smokler.)
- The Christian Science Monitor on comics in academia. (Hat tip: Neil Gaiman.)
- Microsoft Research Lab opens up down the street. Design, huh? Hmmm.
- NYT on a lost world made by women in Belgium. There's a novel here.
- MIT may have sussed solar power storage. If true, this is huge.
- Patrick Stewart: from captain to Hamlet. I'd kill to see that production.
- NYT on Obama's professorial days. Sounds like a great class.
- NYT: workings of ancient computer discovered. Older than steampunk: Greekpunk.
- Wormtooth Nation. Amazing-looking case study in zero-budget filmmaking.