October 26, 2008
1:28 PM
1:28 PM
Links list: 10-26-08.
I haven't done one of these in a while now, have I?
- The new Weird Tales website. Oh, there's neat stuff a-brewing here.
- Abney Park. The sound of steampunk.
- Myke Amend's The Rescue Unlimited. The art of steampunk.
- The Humanities Review: Why I write horror. Insightful piece, if occasionally off-base.
- Web posts earn deals for new authors. Interesting.
- Marvel announces five new online titles. More on this soon.
- Fringe: the hardcore / casual debate comes to prime time. My worlds collide, to interesting effect.
- Amazon buys game developer. PSP, DS, iPhone, Kindle...
- Mediabistro on the defense of free books. Still mulling over e-book ideas.
- Mediabistro on Barry Yourgrou, the txt-novelist. ZOMG GSEBMPS!
- Mediabistro on Ford, Chabon and genre-busting. Chabon's experience was mine at Kenyon.
- Mediabistro imagines a digital book review. Again, more to say about this very soon.
- Making Light on the getting of agents. A classic.
- Kameron Hurley on how to write a query letter. Dense and wordy, pfft. That letter is tight.
- The query project. Lots more on querying agents with samples!
- Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak considers the humanities. "We think as we always have and this is where the humanities are still relevant." Similar arguments have been made about liberal arts in general, CMS at MIT...