10:48 PM
Andy Pessin, my mentor as an undergrad philosophy student back at Kenyon (English/Philosophy double major, with concentrations in creative writing and what was essentially multimedia design) has two new books out! The first, The 60-Second Philosopher: Expand Your Mind on a Minute or So a Day, is basically a collection of short thought exercises designed to get you thinking like a philosopher - which should prepare you nicely for the second book, The God Question: What Famous Thinkers from Plato to Dawkins Have Said About the Divine, which tackles one of the greatest enigmas of human history. No small project, this.
Here's Andy's quasi-official description:
THE GOD QUESTION: WHAT FAMOUS THINKERS FROM PLATO TO DAWKINS HAVE SAID ABOUT THE DIVINE by Andrew Pessin (Oxford, UK: Oneworld Publications, 2009)A philosophical book aimed at the general reader, The God Question explores the most interesting, important, and sometimes strange things that great thinkers theists, atheists, agnostics, heretics, rastafarians, pastafarians, you name it have said about God. Filled with puzzles and conundrums (or is that conundra?), insight, wit, and wisdom (so says the promotional copy, must be true), it has something for everyone: the believer, the disbeliever, and those on the fence with respect to The Question.)
I've got both books ordered from Amazon and I recommend you do the same - Andy was one of my favorite professors at Kenyon and was always blessed with the gift of conveying incredibly complex ideas in really interesting, accessible ways. I can't wait to see what he has to say about God. For more about Andy and his books, check out his website at www.god-question.com.