My old comrade-in-arms David Seitzinger is moving up in the world! He just finished the DAVE School program in Florida, resulting in the short film Creepers, the story of a group of forest critters who are also superheroes. Cool stuff, and as a result he’s just landed a gig working for an animation studio in Wisconsin Minnesota (thanks, David, duhhh) on a new show for Nickelodeon! Go Dave!
Man, that’s fantastic. Now how in the world can I justify a trip to Milwaukee Minneapolis to visit…?
Update: I’m an idiot and misread David’s announcement email; still, one barren wasteland is as good as another, right? (I can hear Kori glaring at me from all the way over here!)
After researching transmedia storyworlds at MIT, guiding Microsoft in its CTO/CXO's think tank, co-founding Microsoft Studios' Narrative Design team, and exploring the future of entertainment and media as the Creative Director and a Research Fellow for USC's Annenberg Innovation Lab, I'm now the Creative Director for USC's World Building Media Lab, a storyteller, a designer, a consultant, and a doctoral student in Media Arts and Practice at USC's School of Cinematic Arts. more »
The opinions put forward in this blog are mine alone, and do not reflect the opinions of my employers.
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