Well, the entire blogosphere is going to be twittering about this for months: Adobe is buying Macromedia for $3.4 billion. This could be cool (think the Adobe Creative Suite with Flash and Dreamweaver instead of GoLive), or it could be the ultimate death knoll for Apple. If Apple continues to piss off Adobe with products like Final Cut Pro and iPhoto, what happens if Macrodobe yanks all its products from the platform?
More as this story develops. Over to you, Ted.
After researching transmedia storyworlds at MIT, guiding Microsoft in its CTO/CXO's think tank, co-founding Microsoft Studios' Narrative Design team, and exploring the future of entertainment and media as the Creative Director and a Research Fellow for USC's Annenberg Innovation Lab, I'm now the Creative Director for USC's World Building Media Lab, a storyteller, a designer, a consultant, and a doctoral student in Media Arts and Practice at USC's School of Cinematic Arts. more »
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