Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Ugh. One of the “perks” of having to upgrade to a new MacBook Pro is now I can run Windows on it.
I’ve run Windows on a Mac before, in the eternally-pokey Connectix/Microsoft “solution”, but now that I can run Windows natively using Boot Camp or Parallels Desktop, ‘m hoping it will be somewhat less arduous. At the very least, I’m hoping it’s less arduous than installing Parallels Desktop and WinXP has been. I’ve spent the last two hours trying to get this working, and only after I made a disk image of the Windows install disk did I get past MS-DOS. Jesus, people. All this to just run Internet Explorer for some client work. Jesus.
Oh, well. Always look on the bright side, right? Bring on the Windows games!
Wait. WhaddayaMEAN, 3-D acceleration isn’t supported yet…!?