Tip of the Quill: A Journal
An expensive week.

Weeks will go by without something really truly purchase-worthy making its debut on the store shelves, and then a week like this comes along. First up was the release of Hellboy Animated: Blood and Iron, where I snagged one of the 10,000 Best Buy exclusive DVD-and-figure packs this morning. (Ah, to open or not… Oh, what the hey.) Then Best Buy was holding a crazy sale, with any Fox TV boxed set going for $20 a pop, and I wound up buying the entire five-season run of Angel to go with my Buffy Chosen Collection, as well as the last few seasons of The X-Files. Back when I bought seasons 1-6, the adventures of Scully and Mulder were going for $100 a pop. Ah, how times have changed.
Now, tonight I find out that tomorrow’s comics delivery includes the second Perhapanauts trade, the second Hellboy Animated volume, the next issue of BPRD, and now I find out that McSweeney’s is having a mondo “Oh crap I think we’re in trouble” sale. My wallet can’t take it.
Tomorrow, perhaps, some more personally relevant news.