Tip of the Quill: A Journal
A week of, well, me.

So somehow this has managed to be my week on the web. For the interested, there’s a four-part “exit interview” with me over at the Official C3 Weblog (1, 2, 3, 4), a very cool shout-out from my friend and fellow media scholarly-type Robert Kozinets over at his blog Brandthroposophy, and finally a two-part (at least) conversation between myself and another media scholarly-type Catherine Tosenberger over at the official weblog of Henry Jenkins (the first part is here), which has been linked to by none less than Joss Whedon fansite extraordinaire Whedonesque.
Jefferson Davis and my Aunt Mavis, what a week! And here I am just wondering if there’s any chance I can pick up an iPhone tomorrow…