Forty miles an hour up old route 1A,
Wending rolling weaving its asphalt path from Boston to Portland,
Salem Ipswich Rowley Newbury Freeport Camden
Charting our progress less by the miles rolling up the odometer
Than by the years proudly proclaimed on tiny little plaques
1739, 1692, 1891, 1775, 1835, 1831,
Mounted to the sides of hotels and houses and homes
Clad in shingles and brick and siding
In a thousand shades of pastels and browns
And another shades of disrepair.
The sky is gray and sheathed in clouds,
Promising rain in cool, chill whispers,
Not yet, we plead. Not yet.
After researching transmedia storyworlds at MIT, guiding Microsoft in its CTO/CXO's think tank, co-founding Microsoft Studios' Narrative Design team, and exploring the future of entertainment and media as the Creative Director and a Research Fellow for USC's Annenberg Innovation Lab, I'm now the Creative Director for USC's World Building Media Lab, a storyteller, a designer, a consultant, and a doctoral student in Media Arts and Practice at USC's School of Cinematic Arts. more »
The opinions put forward in this blog are mine alone, and do not reflect the opinions of my employers.