Tip of the Quill: A Journal

The new issue is now being held up by three people. I think I’ll hold off on publishing the work of the person in India until the next edition, which just leaves me and Nick. Oh, Niiiiiick…

Oh, and on the NaNoWriMo front, I’m going to attempt the impossible and still pull this out of my arse. We’ll see. I’m so far behind the game it isn’t even funny, but I just dashed off about 1500 words in about 90 minutes, so I guess it’s possible if I can keep up that level of output. We shall see. If one could produce 1500 words in 90 minutes, then theoretically it’s possible to produce 50,000 words in 50 hours. And I have less than 40,000 to go. Yee-ha.