Tip of the Quill: A Journal
Another tool in the toolbox.

Final Cut ProWell, I finally did it. This evening I ran down to the Apple Store in Tyson’s Corner and picked up my very own copy of Final Cut Pro 4. The reason? I need to do a very short “talking head” Dreamsbay commercial for some friends of mine. I’ll see if I can post the final production somewhere – I have some ideas as to what I want to do, but I don’t have a lot of time. Let’s see what rabbits this beauty can pull out of its hat.
Surefire sign that this software is the real deal: its manual comes in four books. No wonder the box was so bloody heavy. Oh, and to any naysayers who wonder why I didn’t just pick up Final Cut Express: Soundtrack. And besides, I want to have FCP on my resume. It never hurts to have more marketable skills. (Especially in this economy.)