Tip of the Quill: A Journal
Live from New York, it’s Halloween night!

Let me tell you, Halloween night in New York City is a trip. The Big Apple is full of freaks, geeks and weirdos as it is, and on Halloween night they all come out to play. We didn’t make it down to see the parade, as Kate insisted that it was just too terrifying (whatever), but we did meander down Broadway and see a bunch of folks in costume, including a guy in one of those light-up T-shirts and cape, a woman dressed up as the solar system (lots of little planets dangling from her belt) and Fat Elvis. I also saw a fairy, a surprising number of cowboys (well, it is the Village), the Ricola girl, and a Goth chick. In retrospect, I’m not 100% certain the Goth chick was wearing a costume. Oh, yes. I heart New York.
Anyway, now it’s November, and I can officially start getting stoked about Christmas and such things. The autumn issue of Inkblots has been postponed for a week due to my being swamped and so it can coincide with the next Virtual Book Tour. Stay tuned! (And send me your stuff!)

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