Tip of the Quill: A Journal
Feasibility testing Magellan.

So I’m spending a big, huge chunk of today so far testing the feasibility of Magellan. I’m using my account on Nick’s dual G4, which has three displays like my mental sketch of Magellan, and experimenting with the applications I’m planning on using as my main components – namely, iCal, Safari, Quicken, OmniOutliner and Mail. A couple of things have really kicked me in the ass to get moving on this (thanks Kate), and so here we go. So far, it’s going dangerously well. I’m stoked.
Also of inspiration: the new designing.aiga.org, which is all about the process of designing solutions. In a very “physician heal thyself” moment, I’m applying these concepts to my own projects instead of client gigs, and it’s kind of astonishing how well it’s working. Very inspiring.
Let’s get ready to rumble. 🙂