Lots going on. Brief updates follow.
- Kind of bummed about
KerryClark (thanks,MikeMike) dropping out. Not too bummed, but, y’know, not as satisfied as I was to see Liebermann leave the game. I thought Clark was kind of cool. Not as cool as Dr. Dean, but, y’know, hey.
What I can’t figure out is why the hell Kucinich is still around… - The Taurus is still ill. Dad came out to help diagnose the problem, and after a day’s worth of tinkering we (well, he) determined that it’s a bigger problem than we’d hoped. Rats. If medical insurance covers medical parts, why doesn’t car insurance replace car parts?
- Briefly back to politics, I’m just not excited about Kerry. I need to go read that Time article on what kind of President he’d be, I guess, but he’s just so uninteresting. Remember the episode of The West Wing where Leo explained to the then-Governor Bartlet why he thought Jeb should run? That whole schpiel about how tired he was of trying to decide between two candidates that he really didn’t care about? Yeah, it’s like that. A Kerry vs. Bush election isn’t going to be that exciting. C’mon, Dean, get it together you’re acting like you’ve already lost this thing. (Well, maybe you have, but what the hey.)
- I think I’m starting to get the hang of this whole Flash thing. I didn’t use to like Flash, but it’s starting to grow on me. I’m finding myself saying to clients, “Hey, we could do this in Flash and it’d be really cool,” instead of my previous “You want to do what in Flash? Uggggh…” Ah, how the tides do change.
Right. Back to work. Ten thousand things to do before I can get on a train to New York tomorrow.