Tip of the Quill: A Journal
Woke up this morning feeling bad.

Not sure why exactly, but I woke up this morning feeling kind of blah. One of those what’s-the-point type mornings, where you wake up with no get-up-and-go whatsoever. I’m sure you’ve had them too.
Am currently trying to come up with an antidote. It’s a nice day outside, so perhaps I’ll go out and play with the camera, try and stockpile some new photos for my portfolio. Something like that. Honestly, I’m just feeling a little toasted around the edges from all the busybusy activity lately. Last night I went down to the Apple Store in Tyson’s Corner with my old friend David, where he picked up a new hard drive for backups and a car kit for his iPod, and I skeptically eyeballed the new iPod minis. They’re cool, and they are indeed small, but they’re not for me. Personally, I’d prefer a bigger iPod and the long-rumored home-on-your-iPod functionality that was meant to be built into Mac OS X 10.3. Something about carrying around a backup of everything on my hard drive just appeals to my paranoid self.
Right. Time to go see what there is to see out there. More later.
Oh, and the next Finishing Season project will be posted here as soon as we get some kinks worked out with Network Solutions and IE5 on the PC. Of course.

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