One of the things I’ve been contemplating lately is how to start blending in some of these other narrative techniques into my storytelling. Interactivity, even simple illustrations, maybe doing a comic book or two. To that end, I’ve been doing more drawings of my characters from my novel, Bones of the Angel. There’s a scene towards the end of the first ‘act’ where our heroes Michael and Pi charge into a house full of villains, guns blazing. Using the cover art from Ultimate X-Men Volume 2 by Andy Kubert as a reference, I created this:

It’s funny how Michael is evolving visually. So far the art for him can be seen here and here. I’m going to have to create a subsection of the Bones of the Angel minisite just for artwork pretty soon now. At the very least, I need to start updating my illustration section of the portfolio that is woefully out of date.
So many things I’d rather be doing than client work right now. Yeesh.