Tip of the Quill: A Journal
Hey, where’d I go?

For those of you wondering where I disappeared to recently, you should know that upgrading to Movable Type 3.0 is a bitch. Importing a 21MB database has been a ridiculous failure, simply sputtering out and dying after sometime in late 2003. I am reluctant to lose so much history here, but at the same time there is a real appeal to simply starting over.
What I’m working on now is a new weblog designed to act as a notebook for my experiments this fall, leading up to my application to grad school this winter. This autumn is already a season of intense learning, and my goal is to create a site much like Todd Dominey’s What Do I Know? that will let me take notes on the books I’m reading, post experiments, and serve as a workbook of sorts. I’ll make a note when that goes live, or simply redirect this page to the new site.
One thing that will change, though, is that comments will return – only you’ll need a TypeKey account to post. I do apologize for that, but 20,000 spam comments are most likely the reason why it’s nigh-impossible for me to recover the 4+ years of weblogging that exists here at Tip of the Quill, and I have no intention of going through that again. I’m sure you’ll understand. Anyway, TypeKey is free, growing in popularity and available now at typekey.com if you want to get a jump on things.
Thanks, and I’ll see you soon!