Tip of the Quill: A Journal
My old Kentucky home coffeeshop.

This post is being written from this really nifty little cafe in Louisville, Kentucky called Heine Brothers. Good coffee, free wi-fi, nifty wooden bench seating (which, when done right, can be quite comfortable) and attached to an equally cool little bookstore, this place has just entered my list of Favorite Coffeeshops.
Which, come to think of it, I should probably incorporate into my personal site somewhere. Hmm.
Oh, what am I doing in Louisville? My friend Ruth has a grad school interview here today, and I offered to give her a lift. I love long car drives, especially with great conversation (which Ruth always provides in spades) and just seeing the country. There’s a lovely feeling that comes with rolling through America, and I was definitely jonesing for that again. Growing up in the middle of nowhere, there was always a nice drive through the countryside involved no matter where I was going – even just into Wooster for coffee or groceries. It’s something I just love to do when I get a chance. In fact, I’ll be doing this again in just over a week, when I head down to Washington, DC to help my film company produce a new short film for the National Film Challenge. After that, I’ll be rolling for Boston to visit with a client and maybe visit a potential grad school program, then back through Ohio and back to Illinois.
Man, I wish I could afford a brand new Mini with a tricked-out sound system. I can only imagine how much fun these cross-country drives would be with one of those. Ah, well – one big expense at a time. đŸ™‚