Tip of the Quill: A Journal
On RSS aggregators and WebKit.

If I had known on Monday how this week was going to go, I’d have started labeling each post with a big GeekWeek tag. Hmm. Maybe next week.
Anyway, the point of this post is another idea that just popped into my head. Check out PulpFiction, an “Advanced News Reader/Aggregator for Mac OS X”. Now, web wonks like me grouse because after all the time and effort we’ve put getting our websites to look just so, along come RSS aggregators and all of a sudden, it’s all gone. Poof, just like that. I understand the appeal – believe me, as someone who reads 50+ sites a day, I understand – but why not combine a feed list at the top (as PulpFiction does) with a WebKit-enabled browser window at the bottom (as Process does)? Clicking on a story loads the individual archive page of that particular entry in the window at the bottom. Poof, you’re done.