Author Archives: geoffreylong

Geoffrey Long is a media analyst, scholar, and storyteller exploring transmedia experiences, emerging entertainment platforms and the future of entertainment as the Lead Narrative Producer for the Narrative Design Team at Microsoft Studios. He is an alum of the MIT Comparative Media Studies program, a FoE Fellow with the Futures of Entertainment community, and a co-editor of the Playful Thinking book series from the MIT Press. His personal site can be found at

Gootloader infection cleaned up

Dear blog owner and visitors, This blog had been infected to serve up Gootloader malware to Google search victims, via a common tactic known as SEO (Search Engine Optimization) poisioning. Your blog was serving up 295 malicious pages. Your blogged served up malware to 0 visitors. I tried my best to clean up the infection, […]

Opening the Mystery Barn.

Yesterday I took a breather from the nonstop rollercoaster I’ve been on since the semester began. I’ve been planning the Annenberg Innovation Lab’s Think & Do event on The New Creators + Makers, which is going up in Chattanooga, Tennessee on Wednesday and Thursday next week; planning my trip to New York City immediately afterward […]

Resources for New Creators + Makers working in comics.

One of the projects I’ve been working on at the Annenberg Innovation Lab is a study of The New Creators + Makers, where my team of students and I have been looking historically at the career trajectories of creative types, what commonalities exist across multiple creative industries (career stages, challenges, opportunities, etc.), and how new […]

The last six months.

…And just like that, six months have gone by. Let me ‘splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. In the past six months, I’ve: Co-taught the Annenberg Innovation Lab’s 2015 CRUNCH Student Design Challenge (an intense crash course in entrepreneurialism) with Erin Reilly, Francesca Marie Smith and Ian Donahue Guest-lectured on transmedia […]

On New Years, CES, 365 Good Days and a (Re)statement of Purpose

I’m writing this first blog post of 2015 from a hotel room high in the Riviera hotel, overlooking the delightfully bizarre wonderland that is Las Vegas. I’m in town to participate in the equally delightfully bizarre wonderland that is the Consumer Electronics Show, checking another item off my personal bucket list. Yesterday afternoon my labmates […]

On storytelling with smart homes and the Internet of Things.

I’ve been thinking a bit lately about storytelling with smart homes and the Internet of Things – what the MIT Media Lab‘s David Rose calls enchanted objects. My Lighthouse in the Woods experiment at the Annenberg Innovation Lab was a first step in this direction, using the Oculus Rift to experiment in storytelling using smart […]

On the Future of Comics.

On October 23rd, I had the great pleasure of co-hosting Geek Speaks: The Future of Comics with Henry Jenkins. I was thrilled to not only reunite Henry with the one and only Scott McCloud for a one-on-one discussion on McCloud’s Reinventing Comics almost 15 years later, but to then get to chair a panel of […]

New in the Portfolio.

I took some time this weekend to update my portfolio. Some highlights: Interactive Tangible Storytelling (2014) How might 3D printers be used as a component of a transmedia storytelling campaign? Augmented Storytelling (2014) How might wearable computing devices be used to tell unique, hyperpersonalized stories? The Lighthouse in the Woods (2014) What 360-degree, non-game storytelling […]

Apple Watch (This Space).

It’s no secret that I’ve been an Apple fanboy for a long, long time. I’ve always owned, used, and loved Macs, and my few dark experiments with Windows, Linux and Android have never (at least, not yet) ended well. I was definitely among the throngs feverishly awaiting Apple’s foray into the wearables market, and when […]

The Sunday News: 2014.08.31.

When I was an undergrad, I enjoyed a Sundays-only subscription to The New York Times. Every Sunday we’d get a massive brick of content that essentially recapped the world’s happenings from the previous week. What if we tried that here, summing up the interesting stuff I’ve been enjoying lately? Let’s begin the experiment! The New […]