Author Archives: geoffreylong

Geoffrey Long is a media analyst, scholar, and storyteller exploring transmedia experiences, emerging entertainment platforms and the future of entertainment as the Lead Narrative Producer for the Narrative Design Team at Microsoft Studios. He is an alum of the MIT Comparative Media Studies program, a FoE Fellow with the Futures of Entertainment community, and a co-editor of the Playful Thinking book series from the MIT Press. His personal site can be found at

On the possibilities of an “all-mobile environment”.

A few weeks ago, the Annenberg Innovation Lab held our Spring 2014 Think & Do event. Much like the “New Screens: Re-Envisioning Home Entertainment” Think & Do we held back in the fall, this one focused on one of the four core areas of the lab’s Edison Project. This time around, the focus was on […]

The Immortal Augustus Gladstone.

The Immortal Augustus Gladstone – Trailer from ZOO BREAK GUN CLUB L.L.C. on Vimeo. Awesome-looking new movie from Robyn Miller (of MYST fame) and BOING BOING, released as VOD on Vimeo, purchasable directly through embedded trailers like the one above. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love the future.

Bang bang hammer hammer (2014 edition).

Rabbit rabbit! Happy New Year, everyone! It’s been a few months since I’ve posted an update about what all I’ve been up to. The short answer is, a lot. As for a long answer… Life at USC has been wonderfully, delightfully hectic this past semester. As I said back in September: I believe that there […]

Steve Heller: The Makers Rule.

From Metropolis’ “The Year in Review“: Entrepreneurship is endemic to designers. They make things, and there are many things, from books to apps, from the quirkiest to the most mainstream, being created by designers who now see ways of marketing them directly to an audience through the Web. Unit Editions in London is on the […]

Robin Sloan, media inventor.

I love this bit from Robin Sloan’s About Me page: What’s a media inventor, anyway? I think it’s someone primarily interested in content—words, pictures, ideas—who also experiments with new formats, new tools, and new technology. Allen Lane was a media inventor. Early bloggers were media inventors. The indie video game scene is full of media […]

Interesting stats for tangible game experiences.

Disney Infinity sells 294K copies in its first two weeks. Disney reportedly spent upwards of $100MM on the project, with execs keeping a keen eye on its performance. According to a spokesman, “We’re very pleased with the launch in both the U.S. and globally, and believe Disney Infinity is well-positioned for the critical holiday sales […]

On WyrdCon 4.

I’ve been to a lot of conferences in my life at this point. As in, a lot. My friend Donald Brinkman (@brinkmanship) at Microsoft Research in Seattle keeps a collection of his conference badges hanging in his office, all clustered together like some strange bundle of obscure herbs in a rustic kitchen. Me, I have […]

An x factor.

I’m digging this trend (a couple years old by now but still worthy of appreciation) of collaborations marked with an x. TEDx Transmedia. Monocle x Samsung. MAKR x Monster Children. Stumptown x Poler. It’s a bit hipstery, sure, but I like the implication that the collaboration isn’t just A + B, but A x B […]

Hello world. (Again.)

It feels decidedly odd to be writing here again. Delightful, yes. Wonderful, sure. But also very strange. It’s been almost exactly a year since I last posted something here, and it’s been three years since I stopped blogging more or less regularly. When I joined Microsoft, I couldn’t talk about what I was doing there […]

On having one’s hands full.

A quick note to apologize for the silence around these parts. Long story short, my full-time gig as the Lead Narrative Producer for Microsoft Studios’ Narrative Design Team is sucking up most of my bandwidth, and I (obviously) can’t blog about most of what goes on there. Further, any bandwidth I have left over is […]