Author Archives: geoffreylong

Geoffrey Long is a media analyst, scholar, and storyteller exploring transmedia experiences, emerging entertainment platforms and the future of entertainment as the Lead Narrative Producer for the Narrative Design Team at Microsoft Studios. He is an alum of the MIT Comparative Media Studies program, a FoE Fellow with the Futures of Entertainment community, and a co-editor of the Playful Thinking book series from the MIT Press. His personal site can be found at

Back(logged) in Boston.

I’ve just returned from a wonderful whirlwind trip to Los Angeles which found me first attending Indiecade in Culver City (where I got to hang out with my friends Doris C. Rusch, Josh Diaz, Brenda Brathwaite, Celia Pearce and Tracy Fullerton – and where, thanks to Brenda, I got to meet John Romero, which was […]

Waker wins the Bytejacker Indie Game of the Week!

Woo-hoo! Waker, the game I wrote for GAMBIT this summer, just won the Bytejacker Game of the Week competition, beating out two really impressive other games, Station 38 and Alchemia – and by a pretty wide margin to boot. Check out what the players themselves had to say at the 5:05 mark of the video […]

Jobs in Comparative Media Studies.

I’m currently in Los Angeles, having coffee while I wait on my best man to finish up a quick audition before we head off for Las Vegas. Therefore, I would like to take this brief minute of downtime to make a couple of blog posts I’d been meaning to publish for a good long while […]

Transmedia Storytelling and Entertainment: A Syllabus

Since the announcement that Futures of Entertainment 4 will focus on transmedia, since I’m actually on it (twice – check out August 24th and October 5th) and – most importantly – since Henry asked me to, I’m republishing Henry’s syllabus for the transmedia storytelling class he’s offering at USC this fall. The following post originally […]

Where in the world is Geoffrey Long?

For those of you wondering why I’ve been so silent lately, especially when teh Intarwebs have been so wonderfully flush with transmedia storytelling news, I have two responses: I’m in Singapore. I’m currently on the other side of the planet from my regular home base in Boston – seriously, Singapore is a 12-hour time difference […]

Akrasia selected for IndieCade 2009!

Akrasia, GAMBIT’s arthouse prototype game from the summer of 2008, has been selected to be showcased at IndieCade 2009: The International Festival of Independent Games! Here’s the official IndieCade mission, courtesy of IndieCade supports independent game development and organizes a series of international events showcasing the future of independent games. It encourages, publicizes, and […]

An Interview with Mia Consalvo

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Mia Consalvo, who is rejoining the GAMBIT US lab as a visiting associate professor this year, for an hour and chatting about her research interests. The resulting transcript has been published in the Fall 2009 issue of In Medias Res, the Comparative Media Studies newsletter. […]

Transmedia extension as super-limited collector’s item?

The folks behind the upcoming animated movie 9 have created a “mad science journal” that could be seen a prequel-esque diegetic artifact, insofar as it includes “ink blots, sketches and doomsday prophesies” as well as a whole bunch of information as to how the ragdoll characters of the film came to exist. According to the […]

Judging the Parsec Awards.

I’ve wanted to say something about this for a while, but I was instructed to keep it under wraps. As the page just went live (and my truncated little bio is up), I feel comfortable making the announcement: I, Geoffrey Long, served as a judge for the 2009 Parsec Awards. If you’re familiar with the […]

Introducing Waker!

I’ve been working with the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab for a while now, primarily as its Communications Director but also occasionally as a researcher. This summer I had my first chance to write a game with this group, and now said game – Waker by Poof Games – is up and available to play for […]