Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Illustration

DrawMo and NaNoWriMo updates: 23,656

The steady march to 50,000 words nears the halfway point, as I hit 23,656 words this morning. I elected not to attend the Simon Winchester lecture last night after all due to feeling a little under the weather, so I used the time instead to get a mess of work done on both this and […]


DrawMo and NaNoWriMo updates: 19,629.

First of all, I’ve just uploaded a mess of illustrations from the last 10 days or so to my Flickr account as part of my DrawMo 2008 experiment. I cheated a little by doing three drawings yesterday to make up for missing two days before (shhh, don’t tell). Mostly they’re influenced by my recent obsession […]


Redesigning MIT. Again.

Today I’m responsible for the design of the MIT homepage again. The MIT homepage changes design every day, so if you want to see it, go now! The design is an evolution of what I posted earlier this summer, with a couple of changes – or, if you will, Easter eggs. First, note the MIT […]


After Kafein.

I realize it’s been almost two weeks since my last entry. Trust me, they’ve been busy weeks. Big update soon, but until then, some art.


Eurydice and the Snake.


Channeling Saul Bass.

Another piece for my World-Building class.


Beneath the Gaze of the Old Man Cliffs.
