Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life

Happy Easter, while it still is.

A few quick observations and comments to post today, while it’s still Easter… First, on the topic of Easter, apparently good Catholics (and probably most good Christians) do not share my amusement at the notion of Christianity as qualifying as a kick-ass religion due to its central figure being a member of the undead. Cheerily […]


If Apple made vacuum cleaners.

Over Spring Break I splurged a little and bought something I’ve wanted ever since I first lid eyes on it last fall: the Dyson Root 6â„¢ handheld vaccuum cleaner. Definitely the winner of the “you spent what for what?” award in our household recently, but I love this thing. It’s not a Dustbuster, it’s a […]


Great day!

Wow, my first full day back in Boston after break and so far it’s shaping up to be a great day. First, I came back to find that my facelift of Henry’s weblog has finally gone live, and, perhaps more importantly, people really seem to be digging it, Henry among them: Over the past few […]



Well, I took the plunge. I’m now an official member of the IGDA.


The Fans Are Us.

I have just had my socks knocked off by a video testament to multifandom set to Regina Spektor’s Us, crafted by a fan named Lim. Doublepluscool points: Henry’s in it!



So much is going on around these parts that it’s going to take a couple of posts to catch up. Some highlights: Visiting the world HQ of toy company Hasbro Designing the CMS Research Fair Pushing the redesign of PhillyENT live Writing a 10-page comic that shows real professional promise Various and sundry other mini-events […]


The hate speech of Ann Coulter.

“I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘faggot,’ so I — so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards.” – Ann Coulter Can we please all recognize Ms. Coulter […]


Is that a mic or a mobile transmitter?

Separated at birth: the Center for Public Democracy’s Drew Clark and Star Trek: Voyager’s Robert Picardo. Uncanny.


To Broadcast and Beyond.

I’m writing this while sitting in the 2007 Beyond Broadcast Conference going on today at the Stata Center’s Kirsch Auditorium here at MIT. At the moment the director of Four Eyed Monsters is adressing us live from LA via an iChat video conference, tossed up on two 30-foot projected screens at the front of the […]


I’m a bad friend!

Oy, how bad is it that I’m just now getting around to respond to Bill’s meme baton-passing? Oh, well – such is life in the state of THESIS. Four Jobs I’ve Had Professional lawnmower Reinforcement label affixer Media specialist (my first paid design job, at RBB) Graphic designer (no shock there) Four Movies I Could […]
