Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life

Jeepers! Creepers!

My old comrade-in-arms David Seitzinger is moving up in the world! He just finished the DAVE School program in Florida, resulting in the short film Creepers, the story of a group of forest critters who are also superheroes. Cool stuff, and as a result he’s just landed a gig working for an animation studio in […]


Screw Osama, fear Ignignokt!

As you may or may not have heard, yesterday Boston was shut down when a bunch of “suspicious devices” were found on a number of buildings and bridges here in Boston. I found out about it when I called Laura after the end of the day’s Sony Game Workshop sessions, and my reaction was, in […]


The 2007 speaking tour.

Okay, so two conferences do not a ‘tour’ make, but I’ll be presenting a paper called “Transmedia Storytelling at the Jim Henson Company” at the 2007 Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference in Chicago on March 11th, and another one called “Radial Narrative Maps and Mike Mignola’s Hellboy” at the Media in Transition Conference […]


Don’t Buy.com.

If anyone out there is considering placing an order with the online retailer Buy.com, don’t. A few weeks ago I used the Google Checkout promotion (now ended) to pick up a bunch of stuff on deep discount after Christmas. Most of my purchases came through fine, but one of the orders has been screwed up […]


Undoubtedly so.

“Modest doubt is the beacon of the wise.” – Shakespeare “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.” – Shakespeare


Quick insights.

A couple of things I need to keep in mind in the new year: one, we are who we are every minute of every day. And two, our experiences are our advantages – the key is to demonstrate how they are all integrated; heterogeny is a strength.


…Auld lang syne.

Rabbit rabbit! Happy new year, everybody!


May old acquaintance be forgot, etc.

Well, that’s just about it for 2006. It was a good year – a long year, a crazy year, in which I visited both China and Japan, presented at SIGGRAPH in Boston, published my first white paper, saw the Democrats retake the House and the Senate, welcomed Laura back to the U.S., and did a […]


…And I feel fine.

Here’s a little present for me this morning: when checking out my Technorati stats, I found that Sean-Michael Dore over at Imaginarywar used the Mayan Shaman I created for Goldworld to illustrate a post on the Mayan Apocalypse. Very cool.


What I really want for Christmas.

Dear Santa, What I really, really, really want for Christmas is to be able to write faster and better. I am currently topping out at about 2500 words a day before my eyes begin to cross and I collapse into an exhausted pile of worthlessness – and often a great amount of those words are […]
