Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life

At least that’s what *I* came to MIT for.

“I find that MIT students are a bit too smart. In my courses I try to make them ‘dumber’ in a sense.” – John Maeda


Wal-Mart throwing its weight around? Naaah.

As if we didn’t having enough trouble getting films to be purchasable online – now Wal-Mart is threating studios over iTunes. Jeez… Last year when Disney announced it would begin offering episodes of the hit shows “Lost” and “Desperate Housewives” on Apple’s iTunes, the reaction of the world’s largest retailer sent shockwaves through the entertainment […]


Late-night bookcase run!

So I started this post first thing on Thursday morning, and then got sidetracked with all the unpacking and whatnot, but the vast majority of yesterday Wednesday and Thursday was spent continuing to unpack boxes and organize all of our clutter. Man, we have a lot of stuff. After making a flying trip to IKEA […]


Here we go again.

Huh. 3:30 AM in the new studio looks a lot like 3:30 AM in the old studio. This is ridiculous – the school year hasn’t even started yet and I’m already up until the crack of dawn when I need to be on campus at 9AM the next day. Blech. The trouble is that I’ll […]


First post from the new studio.

This weekend has seriously put the ‘labor’ in Labor Day – who would have thought that merely moving two rooms downstairs into two rooms upstairs – and moving another person in – would result in almost the entire house being uprooted and shaken up? I exaggerate, of course – all storytellers do, which is what […]


I support myself.

Today I’m supposed to give a presentation to introduce myself to the new first-year students in CMS. Since I’ve been so busy with other stuff, I totally haven’t gotten around to making something new, so I’ve been wracking my brain about how to repurpose something old in a creative way. You know, show off something […]


Back in Boston, burdened with bulky baffling boxes.

Laura and I arrived safe and sound in Boston late last night, with little to no trouble from Fawkes the Benz (that we didn’t *totally* bring upon ourselves, anyway). I am now sitting in a mild disaster of a house half-disassembled from one roommate leaving, staring at today as the one day that serves as […]


One life, as a whirlwind.

My world right now is something of a crazy blur. That post I made last week about slowly going crazy? I am now going quickly very very quickly. The problem is this: each of my projects wants me to drop all of my other projects and work on their project exclusively. This clearly doesn’t work. […]


I am slowly going crazy…

The amount of work I’ve been doing this week is nigh-inhuman. I should have a bunch of nifty stuff to show for it when it’s done (kind of; mostly a bunch of MIT-related portfolio pieces) but still… Ohmyfreakinglord, I’m just about destroyed. I am one man, doing the work of an entire design agency, for […]


The Ambience of Caffeine.

So right now I’m alternating between heavy-duty crunch mode and heavy-duty nesting mode. I suspect that if I stay at MIT for more than just this next year, most of my Augusts until I’m well into my thirties will be like this. I’m trying to finish up all the open projects that I’ve been working […]
