Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life

Florida Styx.

To all friends and strangers in the Chicago area between now and August 20 – go see Florida Styx, the new play by Caitlin Montanye Parrish being presented by Hypatia Theatre Company. It’s the third play in a loosely-affiliated trilogy (meaning the three plays only really share geography, thematic content, certain semblances of structure and, […]


My kind of town, Chicago is.

So much travel, so little time. After picking Laura up at the airport, we spent a week bumming around Boston to get her a feel for the place, and then we turned around and rocketed back to Ohio to reunite her with her family for the first time in eight months. I’m really glad that […]


So much happening.

Dear sweet heavenly host. So much has been happening. The head doth reel. To reduce to simple bullet points: I have now been to China, and have returned safely. So many stories to tell. Soon. Last weekend I attended my 10-year high school reunion, where I got to hang out with Rob and Stacey and […]


Off to China!

Well, I’m off! Wish me luck – and follow along over at the Project Good Luck Blog! This is going to be so cool. 🙂


Redmond 2.0, Microsoft 3.0, iRoads and China.

The New York Times ran an interesting story yesterday about the growing pains at The House Bill Built: Microsoft Is Looking for More Elbow Room. Some particularly noteworthy excerpts: Microsoft — in the midst of a bitter rivalry with Google and Yahoo — snapped into action this April, saying the company would spend about $2 […]


I’m such a player.

So I’ve already bought my copy of this: … And now I’m seriously tempted to pick up one of these: Who knew that board-games-on-brown would be the new black?


Scattering showers.

Maaaan… If the fireworks are rained out, do the terrorists win?


Where do I stop, where do I begin.

This morning I woke up in a fantastic mood, wrapped in a warm sense that all was right with the world and that today would be a great day. If I could wake up that way every day, I think life would be a sweet and magical thing – however, I can’t afford to sleep […]


Yes, I’m a dork.

I am well aware that this makes me an uber-dork, but sometimes something comes along that makes my 14-year-old self rise up and go “COOL!” The new Indiana Jones Dark Brown Baseball Hat with Brass Logo Patch over at the LucasFilm shop is one of those things. Hey, I said I was a dork. Update: […]


Night of a thousand a few wines.

After swinging by the somewhat disappointing Javapalooza IV downtown this evening, Nick and I headed back to his house, where we met up with his folks and had a small wine tasting. You can follow our lttle misadventure over at my Cork’d Wine Journal. Mmmm. Wine.
