Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life


I’m writing this from the Kenyon bookstore, where they’ve installed a cripped free wi-fi service – web browsing, yes, but POP/DHCP email access, no. Grump. Every time I return to Ohio it’s like a great weight is lifted from my shoulders. Yes, I have hundreds of emails piling up each day, all of which come […]


A beautiful Bell.

A quick tip of the design hat to Bryan Bell, whose blog now features some stunningly beautiful mountains-and-clouds artwork as its header. Good on ya, BB.


Phofilmusigner, Part II: Reorientation.

So the last five days now have been spent largely in a sort of reorientation. This is good, since it’s largely what I needed to use this summer to do. In my last post I mocked Apple’s made-up term ‘phofilmusigner’, but I think the reason it rankled me is because it hit a little too […]



I received an email newsletter from Apple yesterday with the headline “Phofilmusigner” – apparently a linguistic mash-up of photographer, filmmaker, musician and designer. They’re promoting their newly-redesigned Apple Pro site, which is indeed sharp, but phofilmusigner? It sounds like some Swedish pop band…


Sweet with asphodel.

Have been struck with an immense pang of future homesickness, a bizarre disease where one longs for someplace he’s never been. Only in my case, it’s a house in Ohio with a teaching gig at Kenyon. Yeah. That’d work.


What a long, strange day it’s been.

Today was a very long, very odd, very wet type of day. I woke up this morning raring to go and Get Things Done, an ambition which got dampened (quite literally) by the onslaught of yet another rainstorm dumping down on Boston at around 9:30 AM. I grumbled for a bit and went back to […]


Speed bumps.

I had the plan all worked out in my head. I’d done the preliminary research, I’d laid the groundwork, now all there was left to do was the doing. Whoo boy. What I was trying to do (still am, actually – if anyone can help make this work I’d be grateful): use RSS aggregator functions […]


Good migrations.

Slowly, bit by bit, the new Tip of the Quill is coming online. I spent a big chunk of the evening tonight formatting the individual entry pages for the new version, so they’re mostly ready to roll. There’s a bunch of functionality that I’d specially-built into the old TOTQ that I think I’m going to […]



Like yesterday, today was another extremely full day. My folks and I got up this morning and headed back downtown to explore Beacon Hill, where Mom traipsed down Charles Street poking her head into every antique store she could find while Dad and I grabbed coffee from a gold-plated Starbucks and then wandered around looking […]


Inching closer to a relaunch.

As I write this, it’s about 12:30 AM on the day after Memorial Day. Last week was the end of my first year at MIT and the halfway point to my Master’s degree, and the several days’ worth of aftermath so far has been filled with friends, films, food, family and fun. The biggest news: […]
