Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life

Not dead yet.

For the concerned, I’m still alive and am cutting through the aformentioned 120+ emails with the proverbial machete. In 24 hours I’ve whacked over 40 emails and am readying myself to get up in the morning and do it again. A couple more days like today and I should be in good shape. Well, if […]


Insert swear words here.

If anybody’s wondering why I’m a quivering little ball of hate right now, it’s because I have over one hundred and twenty emails in my inbox all demanding something or other. So if you’re reading this message and wondering where I am or where whatever-it-is-you’re-demanding happens to be, I’m working on it, and I’ll get […]



Yes, it’s true. The spring makeover has begun – I have shed my winter coat and chopped off my hair. Which was really dumb, seeing as how Boston just decided “Oh, yeah, it’s Winter!” and dropped something like 30 degrees in 48 hours. Arg. Maybe I’ll keep the beard until I see some daffodils. In […]


It’s iLife, it’s now or never…

Oh, yeah. Big ups to anyone in the audience who got the John Cougar Mellencamp Bon Jovi (thanks Dave) reference in the title of this post without snickering. I just brought home a shiny new copy of iLife ’06, and it’s pretty bloody impressive. Seitzinger, you listening? You need this. The improvements made to iPhoto […]


Happy new year!

Hey, all! Here’s wishing you all a very happy and healthy new year (and wishing that when I publish this it’ll fix the extremely upsetting disappearance of this weblog… 🙁 -G


Live from Mansfield, Pennsylvania.

Right now I’m in a Comfort Inn in Mansfield, Pennsylvania, high up in the mountains and about halfway home. I find it hysterical that it takes less time to fly from Japan to the states than it does to drive from Boston to Wooster. Jeez! But, yes. I could have soldiered on a ways further, […]


Alleluia! Alleluia!

Well, it feels like that was either food poisoning or a nasty 24-hour bug, but I just woke up at 2AM with the fever broken and the stomachache gone. Saints be praised! I now have some absolute miracles to work in order to get these papers turned in on time, but at least I can […]


I got ran over by a reindeer.

Oh, this is bad. This is very, very bad. I have papers due on Monday and Tuesday – big, ugly, whopping final papers – and this morning I woke up at 4AM sick as a dog. Intense stomachache, vomiting, you name it. I spent the next three hours trying to nurse myself back to health […]


Thunder and lightning in a snowstorm?

Wow – I’ve never seen this happen before, but the big snowstorm currently spanking Cambridge is accompanied by thunder, lightning and near-whiteout conditions. I’m writing this from Stata Center, and now I’m heading back – they’re calling for a foot of snow, and I have no great desire to spend the night in the CMS […]



December 6, 1977 was the first recorded appearance of yours truly (as well as one of my best friends, Aaron Downs, but that’s another story). Today I turn 28. I’m not sure how I feel about that. See, for some reason 27 was going to be the magic year. Somehow I thought that 27 was […]
