Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life

2010: The Year We Make Up

This is one of my favorite times, the liminal space between one year and the next. For most people, this time for intense thinking and planmaking runs from Christmas through New Year’s, but at MIT this period is extended through the beginning of February. (Yet another reason I love it so much here at MIT.) […]


Where in the world is Geoffrey Long?

For those of you wondering why I’ve been so silent lately, especially when teh Intarwebs have been so wonderfully flush with transmedia storytelling news, I have two responses: I’m in Singapore. I’m currently on the other side of the planet from my regular home base in Boston – seriously, Singapore is a 12-hour time difference […]


Back, bushed, and befuddled.

Well, I’m back from my recent travels – and utterly exhausted. I’ve been trying to catch up on my sleep for a week, but that doesn’t seem to be actually working. Last night, for example, I slept for a good eight hours and still woke up exhausted. This is disturbing, as I have a long […]


April: The Month That Got Away. (Kinda.)

Rabbit rabbit! OK, now that that’s out of the way… Great Caesar’s ghost, what a month. Alas, the 2009 30|30 project didn’t work out, as I’d feared – still, eighteen poems is better than I fared last year, when I petered out at thirteen (yet still not as good as the first year I did […]


Playing catch-up.

I’ve returned from CONATHON09 and am now playing some serious catch-up. If I owe you an email, hopefully you’ll hear from me by Friday, if not sooner. I’m also hoping to get a bunch of new photos up onto Flickr and the rest of my videoblog entries up onto here, hopefully before my hard drive […]


Where did that month go?

I’ve just realized, much to my horror, that it’s been almost a month since I’ve posted anything here. Yikes. Sorry about that – suffice it to say that the last couple of weeks have been even more intense than usual, and the next couple of weeks are going to be even more intense than that. […]


And just as suddenly…

Well, that was… Something. The trip to New York was a remarkable success in some regards, an all-out failure in others, and also bizarrely insightful in still others. A quick run-down: The Successes Getting to stay with Sam and Amanda one more time before their baby arrives Onigiri, cupcakes and other delicacies with Emily Texas […]


An old dream realized.

Thanks to the hard work of my old friend Bill Coughlan and our film troupe Tohubohu Productions, I have recently had an old dream realized. I am now in the IMDB. The film that got me there is The Big Lie That Solves Everything, the third short film I produced with Tohubohu and our entry […]


Upgrades, part 3.

This might seem like a small thing, but it’s actually indicative of a bigger thing. Tonight I changed the ‘Miscellany’ section of this site to Consulting and moved the “Presentations and Lectures” page into the Writing section. Longtime friends and clients will note that, unlike my old consulting site that is (at least for now) […]


A literary clubhouse.

Here’s one to add to my scrapbook of possible future housing ideas: the New York Times has posted a slideshow and article featuring the salon/home of Richard and Lisa Howorth, who own Square Books in Oxford, Mississippi. They have gotten into the habit of inviting authors and other luminaries passing through town to stay with […]
