Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life

“Vacation” is a misnomer.

I’m looking over my to-do list and realizing how much back reading I really need to do for some of my classes. This is deeply, deeply disturbing. Luckily, huge chunks of it are on my laptop so I won’t have to lug huge bags of books home with me, but jeezus. It looks like this […]


Andy’s a paragon!

One of my oldest, bestest friends Andy Rozsa just got a serious writeup in The Alberquerque Tribune: Key of Gee: No Dumbed-Down Music or Long-Dead Master Will Headline This High School Concert. The piece is awesome. Some excerpts: When Ruth Klein told her orchestra students at Eldorado and Sandia high schools she wanted them to […]


Sick as a dog.

I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Every time I push this hard for this long I wind up getting kneecapped. I woke up this morning after tossing and turning all night with a temp of 100.4. Damn it. I am therefore spending the day in bed in an attempt to shake this […]


When even your errands take entire days…

My word. I just spent Veteran’s Day frantically catching up on as many errands as possible, trying to clear off my desk before settling down to the real projects at hand this weekend: the rapidly-accumulating Major Project List. The first killer up on deck is the 10-page paper that’s due on Monday. Not a big […]



I suppose 9:30 in the morning is too early to post something with such a dreary title, but that’s about how I feel at the moment. “Hallowent” is sort of the past tense of “Halloween”, to my mind – Halloween, Halloweening, Hallowent. And even though the day just began, it’s pretty much a lost cause […]


Women and the world.

I woke up this morning to find two fantastic emails from old Kenyon friends in my inbox. The first was a final installment of Beth Roche’s cross-America letters, a series of missives dispatched by email from various stops in a drive from Massachusetts to Washington state. I remember the last time I drove across country […]


Oh, the weather outside is frightful…

I’ll post some notes about the Game Writing Conference soon (which was amazing), but I just wanted to point something out to the world. Today, October 29, 2005 at around 1:45 PM, Boston had its first snow. It’s falling in bg white flakes the size of quarters, and it’s gaining speed. Part of me thinks […]


The occasional idiot.

Every now and then I do something fairly dumb. Mercifully, it doesn’t happen often, but on days like today, when I thought I was running late to my eleven o’clock class until I got to the door, peered into the little window and saw an entirely different class, then had to pull out my datebook […]


For the interested.

I need to get a new photo taken, because the one at the foot of this page (and which serves as my bio photo over at geoffreylong.com) is woefully out of date. I have once again grown in my winter beard, my hair is getting longish again, I am well and truly enrolled at MIT […]


I am teh suck at blogging.

It’s true. I am really, truly teh suck at blogging these days. (And yes, Mom and Dad, “I am teh suck” is a strange, grammatically-correct-to-the-people-who-use-it phrase to which you have not yet been exposed. Well, until now. Right.) There is just so much going on right now that it’s crazy. Cra-a-a-a-zy. A couple of quick […]
