Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life

New photos up on Flickr!

For those of you who only follow my RSS feed, I’ve posted a few new sets of photos to my Flickr account. They’re primarily GAMBIT-related, but there’s still some great stuff there from this year’s IAP, last week’s Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, and one from Wondercon that features me and the world’s shortest […]


Bribing Alan Moore with genius.

Ha! Hahahahahaha!



It’s been a while since I’ve been truly excited by any Sandman swag, but day-umn. In other news, today was an extremely long day at the office. Productive, but extremely long. I produced what might be the biggest thing I’ve ever designed today, a 3-foot by 4-foot poster for our lab’s trip to GDC next […]


Two small things.

I find it very weird that, except for the curly hir and earring, Ben Brown and I have somehow become doppelgangers. I think I may very well be a creative generalist. (Thanks, Kevin.)


I’m not sick, but I’m not well.

Bonus points to those in the audience who get the lyrical reference in the title to this post, but it sums up my current state of the universe pretty much perfectly. I began coming down with something on Monday, was down flat on Tuesday, was back up on my feet (but exactly one Red Bull […]


Oh, no.

I don’t believe it – Heath Ledger has reportedly committed suicide. I’m stunned. It’s possible that this is due to a relationship ending last year, but still… The man had so much going for him.


HD on the cheap.

I know, I know – I’ve been harping on this whole home theater thing for over a week now. Only a few more posts, and hopefully I’ll have this out of my system. This evening I realized something interesting: I think I may have successfully constructed an entry-level 1080p HD home theater for well under […]


Cooking: Maple Bacon Jalapeño Jack Cheeseburgers.

I think the secret to keeping one’s New Year’s resolutions is making the right resolutions. Yesterday Laura and I marched down to Whole Foods and dropped somewhere around $120 in groceries, but I’m willing to bet that we bought enough stuff to keep us in chow for a week or two. Tonight I finally got […]


Life in the Future.

This is one of my favorite times of the year – the two-week period that contains both the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and MacWorld. As a future-loving son of a gun, I’ve been restlessly refreshing the newsfeeds at Electronista, Gizmodo and Engadget to stay on top of all the new announcements. So far, here are […]


Whither the classics on HD?

Following up on last night’s post about Bob Rehak’s movie-a-day project, one of my longstanding goals has been to watch the entirety of the AFI’s Top 100 Movies list. Putting two and two together, it only makes sense that this would be a great place to start my own movie-a-day project (right after I finish […]
