Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Life

Happy New Year!

After yesterday’s lengthy status report, I was just going to make a quick “Auld Lang Syne” type of post here today, but I’ve decided instead to outsource the expressing of my sentiments to others. “I am never sad to see a year go because, if I’ve done my job living wisely and well, it will […]


Pretty Good Year.

Things are nice and quiet in our Belmont apartment at the moment. There is a jet passing somewhere overhead, the cats are playing outside my office door so the bells on their collars are going jingle-jangle-jingle in a muffled sort of way, my computer tower is whirring softly on the floor beside me and the […]



CNN: Scientist finds fossilized claw of man-sized sea scorpion. The B-movies are real! The B-movies are real!



Any lingering doubts in my mind that I am really and truly an adult have been thoroughly obliterated by the following fact: on Friday, I treated myself to a copy of Rock Band as an early birthday present, and now, just before bedtime on Sunday night, it’s still sitting in its shrink wrap in our […]



Go Bucks!


Uh-oh, part III.

Current word count of tomorrow’s presentation: 3,300. No joke. Add to that a concern that it’s simultaneously too esoteric and not really saying much that’s new, plus a passage about fanfic that I’m sure will have my critics over at Henry’s calling for my head… Oy! Snip snip snip snip snip…


Ghostbusters goes Transmedia.

Somewhere deep down in my soul, my fifth-grade fanboy self is squealing with joy while my nearly-30 modern self is reeling from a bizarre sense of cultural vertigo: according to Cinematical, Ghostbusters is coming back as a video game – and this canonical extension written by Aykroyd and Ramis will make Ghostbusters a transmedia franchise. […]


Uh-oh, part II.

I’m reporting to you live from FuturePlay 2007 in lovely Toronto, Canada. So far I’m happy to report that I consider the trip to have been already worthwhile, due to my getting to hang out a little with Stephen Jacobs, John Lester, Mia Consolvo and Constance Steinkuehler. A good time is being had by all. […]



I just wrote a 2,150-word essay on the use of user-generated content in video games to present at FuturePlay later this week, and I just realized it may need to be heartily reworked to sound less like a blog post and more like a, you know, presentation. Still, it’s good to know that I still […]


Early Christians, early lions.

Sometimes it just doesn’t pay to be running too far out in front of the rest of the pack… And, honestly, that doesn’t seem to be that far ahead. This weekend I received a coupon in my email for an additional 25% off anything at Barnes and Noble, on top of my existing Member discount. […]
