Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Poetry

Days of Poetry and Punk Rock.

I have not been blogging lately. My previous post moaned about not having blogged for a month, and now this post arrives a week later. I’ve been reading a lot of stuff that I want to get out of my inbox (and my browser windows) and share some thoughts about, and I basically need to […]


30|09:18 Ksenia

Welcome back, old friend Academic, translated Tell Harry pривет


30|09:17 Noir

The blonde in black leans against the iron railing, Exhales long and slow, whispering smoke, A promise formed in the plume, Tells our man what he needs to know, What he doesn’t want to hear, And he disappears into the fog The sound of his departure cleverly masked By the thunder of the 9:45 Express […]


30|09:16 Salem

Air is crisp, sky is gray, Cups of cocoa as handwarmers, Friends in tow, leaves are fireworks, The tall ship in harbor welcoming us to town, Pumpkin ale at dinnertime, jelly pumpkins for dessert, The witch is lit up in green neon and the game is on, Posters of CAPTAIN SATAN, KING OF ADVENTURE secured, […]


30|09:15 The Next Big Little Thing

Gender is done, racism is done, Sex and bodily fluids and carnage and the inside out is done, What is next in art? What is left? Let us turn inwards, perhaps, What would it be like if urban sculptors and animators and designers Moved on to the next bit of the cycle, Checked the grotesque […]


30|09:14 Puppetry

Just down the street from the Staatsbibliothek A group of street performers in black jumpsuits and white facemasks Are using a full-body puppet made of yellow and orange styrofoam To deliver a form of exquisite harassment upon a poor tourist Just trying to determine what exactly it is That sets a Starbucks in Berlin apart […]


30|09:13 Henry

Suspenders, stripes, beard, Convergence or spreadable, Miss you when you’re gone.


30|09:12 Yatta

This wasn’t quite what they had in mind. Towering overhead, brushing skyscrapers aside like nuisances, Shrieks a hundred-odd storeys of doom, destruction and chaos, Shooting sparks the size of buses from its gaping plastic maw, Eyes flashing with bulbs like tiny suns, The clockwork gears inside its mammoth chest Grinding and screeching so deafeningly loud […]


30|09:11 Coffee to the People

COFFEE TO THE PEOPLE, reads the big green letters Mounted to the beige backdrop above the storefront door, Its logo a fist gripping a steaming cup, A caffeinated, subjugated form of rebellion, And I suppose it’s a coincidence that they’re Starbucks colors, That these Haight-Ashbury baristas were here before the Seattle invasion, I suppose that […]


30|09:10 Modernity

In the lobby of the hotel beside the convention center You stand and seethe, smoke curling from your ears, White-knuckle grip on the credit card in hand Which has just been so politely declined. There are thoughts you think at these moments, Crazy trainwrecks of credit card fraud, of hacked systems, Of banks that had […]
