Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Technology

Griffin Technologies’ RadioSHARK: one slick little device.

So it’s not quite as cool as the idea of “TiVo for radio” makes it sound, but the RadioSHARK from GriffinTechnology is pretty dang nifty nevertheless. There are all kinds of schnazzy little things I’m imagining could be done with this, but I refrain from ruminating about them here due to their somewhat fuzzy legal […]


That 650 WiFi driver.

For those of you looking for it, the driver is downloadable here.


Not funny ha-ha, funny… Well, not funny at all, really.

Isn’t it funny how computers will decide to curl up their toes and die at the most inopportune moments? And by funny, I don’t mean Abbott-and-Costello funny, I mean tear-my-hair-out-and-gouge-out-my-eyes funny. That kind of funny. For some reason, Magellan (my G5) has decided to pop up a “Connect to the file server” dialog whenever I […]


Nifty things: the Ambient Dashboard.

How cool is this? The Ambient Executive Dashboard is an analog device that receives a wireless signal to display the current status of three different elements, such as the value of your stock portfolio. It’s not as cool as it could be, because their business model doesn’t include just the hardware, but a monthly charge […]
