Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Self-publishing = graffiti?

“Graffiti grows out of a desire to communicate and connect with the broadest possible audience in a direct and unmediated way; it is comparable to self-publishing, bypassing commercial networks and going directly to the audience.” Tsai, Eugenie. Kaws: What Party, p. 73. The author continues: “By putting his tag out on the streets, [Donnelly] was […]


The Sunday News: 2014.08.31.

When I was an undergrad, I enjoyed a Sundays-only subscription to The New York Times. Every Sunday we’d get a massive brick of content that essentially recapped the world’s happenings from the previous week. What if we tried that here, summing up the interesting stuff I’ve been enjoying lately? Let’s begin the experiment! The New […]


Steve Heller: The Makers Rule.

From Metropolis’ “The Year in Review“: Entrepreneurship is endemic to designers. They make things, and there are many things, from books to apps, from the quirkiest to the most mainstream, being created by designers who now see ways of marketing them directly to an audience through the Web. Unit Editions in London is on the […]


On the Love and Hate of Harold Bloom (Revised)

(Note: since publishing the original version of this essay, I received two extremely nasty, insulting comments from people I don’t know. Rather than publish the comments – because the vitriol in them is not something I care to have cluttering up my blog – I’m revisiting the essay to attempt to clarify my original point, […]


Judging the Parsec Awards.

I’ve wanted to say something about this for a while, but I was instructed to keep it under wraps. As the page just went live (and my truncated little bio is up), I feel comfortable making the announcement: I, Geoffrey Long, served as a judge for the 2009 Parsec Awards. If you’re familiar with the […]


Up, up and away!

Apologies for the recent radio silence – I’ve been preparing for this weekend’s big project. I’m currently sitting aboard an enormous Air France jetliner at Logan, waiting to take to the skies. After the briefest of connections in Paris (seriously – I’ll be bolting through CDG) I’m offto Vienna, where I’ll be teaching a workshop […]


NaNoWriMo update: FINISHED!

Woo-hoo! I have no illusions about the quality of those 50,000+ words, but just being able to bang out a first draft of the follow-up to Bones of the Angel feels great. The new book feels very much like the Empire Strikes Back of the series so far because this is the book where everything […]


A fuzzy renaissance.

The New York Times published a great profile of Disney’s attempt to revive the Muppets this week. The piece profiles both the company’s mismanagement of Kermit and company over the last couple of decades and its new plan of attack to bring these old friends back into the public consciousness. There are bits and pieces […]


Rock me like a…

Next week is the Austin Game Developers Conference, wherein my fellow GAMBITeer Matt Weise and I will be presenting our video game adaptation workshop. I’m excited, because this will be the first time I’ve presented at a GDC event, but I’m also a little apprehensive – not because of the whole public speaking thing (which […]


Artistic progress.

It’s taken me a long time, but I think I’m finally getting better at drawing women. While I was moving my files around and moving into the cloud this weekend I realized that I hadn’t been scanning or posting anywhere near the amount of sketches and drawings I tend to do in my spare time, […]
