Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Writing Journal

NaNoWriMo update: 15,686.

I have now successfully written 13,201 additional words in the last 72 hours, or the rough equivalent of 48 pages. I’m almost caught up with the 16,000 words that I’m supposed to have at this point, but I’m not quite there yet. It’s very obviously still first draft material, but I am frakking elated. So […]


NaNoWriMo update: 10,457.

Still not caught up with where I’m supposed to be yet, but having written almost 4,000 words in a relatively short amount of time (most of yesterday afternoon/evening got devoured by running errands instead of writing, alas) I’m still feeling pretty proud of myself. At this stage in the novel I have all the exposition […]


NaNoWriMo update: 6,911, 612, 1,290…?

I’m having issues with my NaNoWriMo 2008 project. For starters, I was actually traveling when November began, crisscrossing Ohio in a short tour of schools I have known: the College of Wooster, Kenyon, Ohio State, and finally Ohio University down in Athens. Long story short, I was looking for answers to some questions that I […]


Masochism incarnate: NaNoWriMo AND DrawMo 2009.

Because I am completely barking mad, I’ve decided to attempt both NaNoWriMo and DrawMo this month. So far DrawMo is winning, as “Lanterns” indicates, but I have several things kicking around for the story already. I’m trying to decide if a series of interconnected short stories counts as cheating for NaNoWriMo. I hope not. (Hey, […]


On novels and episodes.

Jean Hannah Edelstein of The Guardian asks an interesting question today: Can the novella save literature? In the microessay (which is itself fitting), she argues: Readable in a couple of hours, a novella demands far less time than a full-length novel: you can get through them in the same amount of time it takes to […]


Geoffrey Long: the brand.

Wow, I absolutely pwn a Google search for Geoffrey Long. Almost the entire first two pages are me. This makes me feel better about one particular aspect of my future professional path: the rising popularity of another writer, Jeff Long, who actually writes the same kind of stuff that I do! His novel The Descent […]


Holy cow, progress.

Wow. I guess I should have posted that quasi-obituary months ago. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve plowed through almost the entirety of Act Two for Bones of the Angel and laid almost all the groundwork for Act Three. I’m writing as fast as I can, filling several of those little Moleskine journals with […]


And, of course…

No sooner do I post that little quasi-obituary for my writing then things start shifting up in the neurological attic again. As always, dear reader, stay tuned.


Writing on hold.

At the moment, the writing projects are on hold while I focus on the design and the computer stuff (you know, what pays the bills). I have a couple things brewing which could be fantastic though – stay tuned.


Two new chapters of Bones of the Angel!

I just realized that the entries I’d posted to my Work-in-Progress section over on the BOTA minisite was way out of date, to the tune of over 11,000 words behind. That’s a lot of words. So, I’m posting two more chapters now, and will post some more as soon as I get out from under […]
