Tip of the Quill: A Journal

Category Archives: Writing Journal

Wrestling with the proper mix of action and art.

After that last post, I thought I should follow up with some clarification on where I’m going with this novel. Bones of the Angel is, if anything, an “art house action” type of story. Yes, there are things blowing up, lots of high-tech gadgetry and some supernatural elements flying around, but it’s also got a […]


Learning to draw like Kubert.

One of the things I’ve been contemplating lately is how to start blending in some of these other narrative techniques into my storytelling. Interactivity, even simple illustrations, maybe doing a comic book or two. To that end, I’ve been doing more drawings of my characters from my novel, Bones of the Angel. There’s a scene […]


A concept: the elements currently shaping Bones of the Angel.

It’s been a while since I’ve done any major writing on this journal about Bones of the Angel, and it’s worth a quick update to discuss what directions the story is currently taking as it slouches towards Bethlehem. It’s funny – while I’ve always wanted to tell stories, my interests in video gaming, film and […]


Behind the scenes.

Apologies for the radio silence in this journal lately. I’ve been doing a great deal of client work, as well as some just general thinking. I have some plans and new concepts, but they’re not ready for “prime time” yet. For more news and updates, please refer to my regular weblog at www.inkblotsmag.com/voice/totq/. Thanks!


Writing journal repaired, revitalized, and renewed.

At long last, I found the time to squash a couple of the bugs that had been plaguing this journal for the longest time. I’ve fixed the RSS feed, repaired the links to the PDFs, and am about to add some new content for the first time in months. As you might have noticed from […]


Writing journal under (re)development.

This page is largely broken, still – if you’d like to see samples of my writing, please use the category links at the upper right. Thanks!



I’ve opted against doing NaNoWriMo this year, primarily because I’m trying to focus my attention on redoing the marketing materials for Dreamsbay this month. As a result, my writing lately has really dropped off. Sorry about that. Most of that energy in the immediate future will be funneled into getting a new Inkblots ready for […]


Introducing my Writing Journal.

In keeping with my prior pledge to continue to add new works and experiments to this section, I’m adding in a Movable Type installation to serve as a light content management system. I may or may not transition each of the subsections here (‘fiction’, ‘poetry’, ‘essays’ and ‘other’) to the new system, but what I […]


On Writing.

I grew up an only child in a big old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, Ohio. I had parents that liked to read, and our house was always littered with books and magazines. Figuring out where my love for books came from isn’t exactly rocket science. Influences I still remember vividly some of the […]
